
It’s not all about the professional knowledge, isn’t it?

Because in the the demanding job of a sport’s coach it is not all about professional knowledge and experience only – there are some other, crucial for success,  characteristics and skills of the individual, such as: intelligence, character, efficient and high quality communication, attitude, courage, responsibility, self-control, cooperation, hard work. Having previously a  successful player’s career is a great advantage at the very start for the coach  because charisma of the top player is the key that opens the door to every club, when it comes to getting a job. But …

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The coaching profession is no longer exclusively linked with the pitch

It’s often said that a coach is a man who says on Friday he knows how his team’s match will end on Saturday, while on Sunday, with the same confidence, he’s explaining why it didn’t happen. From this humorous sentence it can be concluded that the coaching profession is no longer exclusively linked with the pitch, the individual or even team. Today, alongside athletes, a coach has to communicate with the media, sponsors, parents and fans. He also needs to show to them his own example on how to behave, how …

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How to react to a player disturbing team’s atmosphere?

It’s quite normal for experienced coaches to accept that players need to relax from time to time and the fact that sometimes they can get up a mischief. It’s human an natural. Most young men, at some point during their youth are unable to resist life’s naughty temptations and lure off-track in their behaviour. There are usually two tactics successful coaches use when faced with behavioural issues from the players. One is used in mild circumstances. It consists of complete ignorance or disregard to the inappropriate behaviour of player. Coaching practice …

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